Fri 03 Jan
blonde petite cutie conversation and candy all door$ open! review #188365 - 29
(Greensboro, greensboro nc)
AUDRINA** Wednesday Special " (Incall/outcall) (336) 709-2902 INCALL SPECIAL - 22
(Greensboro, Greensboro Nc)
...Beauty and Brains...Classy yet Bold...Total Satisfaction Guaranteed - 29
(Exit 150 Haw River/Burlington, Greensboro)
🆕BLONDE 🍒♥ⓢⓦⓔⓔⓣ as Heaven ☁🌈 && ⓗⓞⓣ as Hell 🔥💥hands🖐 down👇 THE BEST❗🆕BuRLiNgToN - 39 - 39
(Burlington/Surrounding areas, Greensboro)
**** BEAUTIFUL and BUSTY Brunette BOMBSHELL here for your PLEASURE!!! **** - 25
(Raleigh / Durham, Raleigh)
* * * Been A Long Time Coming . . . . New Pictures (Finally ! ! ) * * * - 37
(Greensboro, Greenboro Incalls Only)
:::.▄Aries • ★•SeXy OpEn MiNdEd • ★ CeRtiFieD FrE@K At YoUr SeRvIcE • ★•100 special reviewed #198746 - 23
* & . . . . Your Favorite Girl[S] Next Door ' Satisfaction is Guaranteed !! ((: * * * * * - 20
(Greensboro, Greensboro, Wendover)
A nature beauty...... (Available 24/7) ♥ 36DD ♥ Kissable Lips ♥ Flexible - 29
(Greensboro, high point rd)
*60 SPECIAL* Sexy, Smart, & Skilled {Scarlet Rose} *AMAZING reviews that will make your jaw drop!* - 27
$$50 specials ★【KiLLєR 💋 CuRvEs】★【niCє 💋 bѺѺb's】★【cUτє 💋 FαCє】★【spaNKaBℓε 💋 αSS】★ - 21
(Greensboro, wendover ave)
3pm-8pm Incall-OutCall! reviews!! : ) Las Vegas Girl! (702) 751-5174 - 21
(Greensboro, Greensboro, NC)
$40 Special Now**Im da Girl You Want**Mystery Girl****Incalls Only - 28
(Greensboro, Greensboro/E. Lee st)
$60 special- ----call now------ -$60 special-----call now------- -sexy 130 lbs 5'7 - 19
60QV Incall Specials! Available Now!💋👌 Super Freaky Chrissy👑💄 Specials All Day💋 - 19
(Greensboro, W. Wendover💋)
40 RoSeS...... Chocolate Big Boned Freak With Skills....... - 22
(Greensboro, Greensboro Airport Area)
★★★(2pops) HH Special 100kisses ★★★ Natural 38-DD, Full Kissable Lips, & Flexible!!!! - 28
(Greensboro, hwy 68)
60/100/160 SwEEt & Th!cK SpAnIsH MaMi...... LLaMa PaP! ..... NyC... CaLL Me Now!!! - 23
40$pecials█████ [•♥•] LET ME GOBBLE YOU UP 4 THE HOLIDAY!!!! [•♥•]FLASH FLOOD **WaRnInG** - 21
(Greensboro, greensboro nc)
$45Spl BOobs & "B"oO"ty ♡PINK & jUiCY!♡ ★SK¡LL€D L¡PS & T¡GHT GR¡PS♥♥♥♥♥ - 23
(Greensboro, incalll;)) Available✔㏂-✔㏘)
50$$ SPECIALS **The Doctor's Treat** 50$$ SPECIALS TILL 12pm - 20
(Greensboro, burlington off exit 145 incalls only)
(35qv)It's the Holidays 🎅 said come get your gift in Treat come 👀Me Delicious special🎁🎄🍭🍭 - 36
(Greensboro, high point city private location)
🍫🍫🍫$40 Qv special 🔥 New Bbw 🍫🍫🍫 💙ŦØP💚💛 ₦ØŦ₡Ҥ💜💜#1 here i am baby 💋🍬🎀 - 24
(airport area - exit 210 Incalls/outcalls, Greensboro)
40$ Specials 💛💛You Can Never Get Enough Chocolate!!💜💗Sweet Everlasting Juices!!! 💙💙40$specials - 24
(Greensboro, INCALLS)
( $ 60 $ ) SPECIAL (¯`'.¸ ?¸.'´¯) NO ONE -:¦:- DOES IT-:¦:- LIKE ME ( Promise ¯) -- SUPERR THICK - 27
(Big Tree Way ( wendover))
60Spl❤❤❤AmaZinG SkiLLz BeauTiFuL FacEs❤❤❤ ThE ComPLeTe PacKaGe This WeeKend OnLY❤❤❤ - 21 - 21
(Greensboro, Greensboro Four Seasons exit 217)
Escorting Done RIGHT!!!- Professional Management- Guaranteed Safety And Money-$1,800 Per Day!!!
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem)
$$$$$$$$$ - Carolina Cover Girls - $$$$$$$$$$ Escort Agency - 28
(Boone, Charlotte, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Winston / Salem, Greensboro Winston Salem High Point NC)
Thu 02 Jan
Why settle 4 the rest when u can have the best? play w/highly reviewed sexy female couple! top-rated - 24
♥♡ Your perfect Summer ☆★ incalls and outcalls (last day in town) - 20
(Greensboro, wur u need to be)
* YuMmY ¤ GoDdeSs * %~ +~ * +~ ~ %* Tall * BeAuTiFuL * % *~+ * NeW PiC's - 22
(Greensboro, Call For Special)
💚 💚【YOUNG&HOT;💖BODY2BODY】💖【2 Asian girls】💖【1000% REAL PICS】💖【NEW IN TOWN】💖【9175364622】💚💚 - 23
(Greensboro, Greensboro/Stanley RD)
♥ Y O U R __ F R E A K Y __ O B S E S S I O N ♥ - 19
(Greensboro, Airport Incall&Out;)
💣💣💣YA BROOME BROOME HA HA💣💣💣 grenSboRo nC available now 80 vids click bLo watch nu tumblr fortyy$💣💣💣 - 22
(Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, High point road available now !!, Raleigh / Durham)
WOW • XXtremely HOT BLONDE ! • Perky Tits*X* + RoUnD BOOTY ~PuRe PLE@SuRE!! ~FeTisH FrIeNdly - 23
(Raleigh / Durham, INCALLS)
WE DONT TEASE* ¨ *:•. ★ ;.•:* WE PLEASE. •* : . ★* ;.•:*-*CALL NOW*** : . ★* ;.•:*-* - - 23
(Greensboro, high point rd)
VisitN ✰EVERY MAN'S SECRET FANTASY ✰UltimATE ERoTIi EXpERiEnCE! See'n PreBookd Appts - 36
(Greensboro, GREENSBORO & surrounding areas/IN & OUT)
;-) YES Im Real ;-) ÷÷÷♡♥♡ ULTiMaTE ErOTiC EXxPeRieNCe ♥♡♥÷÷÷♡♥♡ 100% ExXoTiC BEAUTY ~·~ - 25
(Greensboro, Burlington//in call)
💚 💚【YOUNG&HOT;💖BODY2BODY】💖【2 Asian girls】💖【1000% REAL PICS】💖【NEW IN TOWN】💖【9293927701】💚💚 - 22
(Greensboro, Greensboro 💚Big Tree Way💚9293927701)
☠W :: A :: R :: N :: I :: N :: P U R E P L E A U R E - 25
(Greensboro, Ready NOW where RU ?? 50 SPECiALz)
Welcome 2 Paridise Model Barbie } •wit@ Wh0L€ lOt} • :Of G!fts - 20
(Greensboro, Downtwn Greensboro incall only)
Welcume to Heavenly Hills💖 ▐ ►❤.•★•:.• Michelle & Brandi ❤.•▐ Click --►herE★ 2 girls Do it better ! - 20
(Greensboro, w.wendover ( safe incall ))
wait did you say you wanna have fun well here i am ~Layannie~$40 special till 12:00 hurry - 19
(Greensboro, greensboro- wendover)
Wednesday Only!!! $65 $65 hour Massage Special 7 to Midnight . Men 45 and up - 28
(Greensboro, Greensboro Area)
Video/New Pics Brooklyn & Sugah With OutcallSpecials! 💋 - 19
(Greensboro, Greensboro,high point,surrounding areas)