Thu 09 Jan
Mocha Mocha Mocha!!! $$$ *5*0 *Specials* 5*0* $$$ Leaving Soon... Catch Me While You Can!!!! - 34
(Greensboro, Greensboro In Call Only)
Wed 08 Jan
:-$ SaTISfying ALL :-) GREAT SPECIALS ALL NIGHT LONG!{ in town TONIGHT ONLY!! } =D call now! - 24
(Greensboro, airport area)
Come play w/2 easter bunnies- we are a top-rated female couple- read our amazing reviews!!! - 24
(Greensboro, Wendover and stanley (greensboro ))
💖👑 IvY Jade👑💖 ATTENTION Market men & professionals - 23
(Greensboro, High point , Greensboro, Winston salem)
InCaLls & OuTcAlLs ToDaY 🍭💙🍭 Lollipop Queen 🍭 💋🍭I'm always hot and ready guys🚗Also Doing Outcall - 49
★★★WhAt YoU NeEd ★★ BaBy We gOt iT ★★SEXY *100* SPECIAL ★★★The Sexy Ariel★&★*BRAND NEW Stormy*★★★ - 26
(Greensboro, Incall/OutCall Greensboro Air Port)
*Sweet& Spicy!!!! Come get a taste of paradise!!!!* ## AMAZING SPECIALS## - 21
(Greensboro, Greensboro, High Point, Winston Salem)
Tue 07 Jan
Angeleena ;-) beauty class and very discreet&& reviewed )) call about MaJoR OuTcAlL specials* - 23
(Greensboro, Greensboro and surrounding)
THICK ▃▆▓▓★▓▓▆▃ CuRVaCIOuS ▃▆▓▓★▓▓▆▃ NIKKI SWEETS ▃▆▓▓★▓▓▆▃$$60$$ SPECIALS - 22 - 22
(Greensboro, Wendover)
Upscale spinner princess ALLY. Let me treat you like a king. 336-525-5259 OUTCALL SPECIALS - 23
(Greensboro, Greensboro & all surrounding cities)
!Blair ~ 40$ ! Simply Amazinggg! 100% REAL pictures [ in & out calls ] - 23
(Greensboro, airport, in & out call specials)
**** 2 PLAYMATES TODAY & TONIGHT ONLY **** IncalL SpecialS **** LiVe IN G~BoRo ToDaY OnLy **** - 29
(Greensboro, INCALL TODAY!! H.P RD.)
double your pleasure, double your fun! come play with a sexy, REAL female couple (highly reviewed) - 24
Mon 06 Jan
***** HeAvEnLy HANNAH & NINA MooN HostinG in GREENSBORO SpEcIaLs all DAY LONG **** - 29
50$pecial 20 mins. non rush~InDulGe~ AlL NeW ChocolaTe TreaT (hIgHlY SkiLLed) (Open MinDeD) - 23
(Greensboro, discreet)
Sweet as Heaven, as Hell... Super Thick Super Freak $$ specials $$ - 21
(Greensboro, Greensboro..... Out call specials....)
SPECIALS!!!! ***** AVAILABLE NOW_____ MISS ~ V ~ _____ AVAILABLE NOW ***** SPECIALS !!!! - 29
(Winston / Salem, IN&OUT; ... WINSTON AND ALL SURR. AREAS)
FREAKY & FUN PLAYMATE ** Hannah ** HOSTING in GREENSBORO With Nina Moon ** Specials all DAY ** - 29
BaCk byy pOpuLar DEMAND ;-) (( AnGelEena is certified )) 100% me with OuTcaLl spEciaLs - 23
(Greensboro, Greensboro and surrounding areas)
~-:¦:-~ Ur Cali ~-:¦:-~ Girl Is ~-:¦:-~ Leavin ~-:¦:-~ - 24
(Greensboro, 5 Star Hotel Avail 24/7Limited time Only)
50!50!50!FURNITUREmarket❤ INCALL SPECIAL 😍😍❤ Hr/HH/QV💋💋 Up All night 💦 - 22
(Greensboro/Highpoint!, Winston / Salem)
Sun 05 Jan
Best BBW in GSO*Well Reviewed*Torrin*100% Independent & Real! You'll Love Me! *2 girl SPECIALS* - 25
(Greensboro, greensboro outcall/incall)
Angeleena ;-) beauty class and very discreet&& out call SPECIALS )) bEsT tImE SpEnT - 23
(Greensboro, Greensboro and surrounding)
Slim thick chocolate tender on town one day only so lets have some fun!!!9803456425 - 24
★ ExoTiC▃▆▓▓★▓▓▆▃ REAL NIKKI SWEETS ▃▆▓▓★▓▓▆▃ THicK★UPSCALE ▆▓▓★▓▓▆ 2 SEXY GIRLS▆▓▓★▓▓▆ $SPECIALS$ - 22
•*°40* •*° —°*• * Specials * •*° —°*• * COME* •*°—°*•GET SOME** •*° - 22
(Greensboro, Greensboro, NC)
2 for 1 INCALL SPECIAL - sexy, REAL female couple to fulfill your fantasies (highly reviewed) - 24
Sat 04 Jan
💦💦FULL package**❤ INCALL SPECIAL 😍😍❤ Hr/HH/QV💋💋 Up All night - 22
(Greensboro, Greensboro/Highpoint!)
Fitness Model! Perfect Body and Beautiful! The Best Girl Phriend X around - 21
(Greensboro, Greensboro Nc Wendover Area)
Fri 03 Jan
OUTCALL SPECIALS!!!💋💖Ashley is Back and Ready To Play💖💋I Can Turn Dreams Into Reality - 19 - 19
(Anywhere you are, Winston / Salem)
baby it's cold out side❄⛄ come cuddle with this snow bunny 🐰 I'll keep you warm ✔ only here today - 23
(Greensboro, highpoint)
Sweet as Heaven, Juicy as Hell... Super Thick Super Freak $$ specials $$ - 21
(Greensboro, Greensboro..... Out call specials....)
💦👅SpEcIaLs50!!!/100/120🌹🌹 🍭🌹 💙 🔥 BuStY🔥 CuRVY❤️ SUPER SeXy👅 Alw@ys N@ughty!! - 22
(Greensboro, Greensboro/Highpoint!)
Stop playing with kids, for the grown woman experience call a real woman. Ask about specials. - 41
***SUMMER SIZZLE on a STORMY NIGHT!!! Classy & Exotic Beauty*** - 24
(Greensboro, Outcalls, wherever you want me)
MS. CreAM °★°* HiGhLy SkIlLeD *☆*°★ °*☆* ITALIAN BEAUTY*°★ °*☆* °★ NEW HERE TODAY * call NOW - 20
(Greensboro, Wendover ave. (incall or outcall))
***** HeAvEnLy HANNAH & SCOTLYN MiDdLeToN HostinG in HIGH POINT SpEcIaLs all DAY LONG **** - 29
Thu 02 Jan
NEW PICS! Black girls we go hard!!! Stasia Stasia! $160 specials!!! - 19
(n. battleground ave - in out)
FREAKY & FUN PLAYMATES *** HannaH & ScotlyN *** HOSTING in High Point *** Specials all DAY *** - 29
(Greensboro, IN/H.P OUT/ALL OVER ;)))
H O T °o★o°—((E —x—O—t—i—C)) —°o★o ° —P—L —a —Y—m —a—T—e - - 21
(Greensboro, greensboro && surrounding)
FREAKY & FUN PLAYMATE *** HannaH *** HOSTING in GREENSBORO *** Specials all DAY *** SOLO - 29
(Greensboro, GREENSBORO AREA & SURR...)