Sun 05 Jan
early bird & OUTCALL SPECIALS~Young, Fun & Sexii karma~* 100% REAL PICS*•° - 19
(Greensboro, high point incall only)
desirable fanatsies & fetishes become reality baby*'~$40 early bird specials till 9am - 21
(Greensboro, Gso and triad)
👅☝💋💘 💣💦👄💋Ebony doll for your every pleasure 😍erotic adventure available now - 24
(Greensboro, Greensboro;gate city blvd)
Awake all Day & Night Call. Every man deserves to be loved by a gorgeous, caring ASIAN girl !!!! - 21
(Greensboro, ❥❥ 💗💗)
➡🍃🌹🌴AUDREY🌴🌹🍃⬅ AVAILABLE📲📞☎ incalls only 🎀SPECIALS🎀 new pics!!! - 21
(Greensboro, N main st high point***INCALLS ONLY***)
A.M.Holiday Dreams..CLEaN CREaM and SCREaMS%%$QuaLity$*The BEST DISCREET HOLIDAY GifT in Town* INCAL - 22
(Greensboro, Greensboro,HighPoint VERY CONVIENT LOCA.)
44DD- Golden Redbone Applebottom MATURE SuPer Busty Exotic 100% All Woman ~ - 40
(Greensboro, 20mile South of Salisbury/Concord)
$240 an hour - Webcam Performers - Hiring Women and Men
(Charlotte, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Raleigh / Durham, All Areas)
Sat 04 Jan
young sweet sexy jay! safe incall location available all day!👯👠💦💋🌹 - 20
💋§øft ŁĮP§ && TĮGHT Gr¡pš__ 👅Pūrę Płęā§ūrę ____I'LL ThrO₩ It BAcK ❤ & G£T Thę JØß Døñę•°°• - 26
(Greensboro, PTI Airport In/out)
PET!TE 🌟 JE$$!CA _________ V00D00B00T!E 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 NEWB!E __________ H!GH P0INT 🌟 !NCALL - 22
NEW**. OUT∈ DoLL FaCeD CuTiE HuGe BoOtY BLonde Puerto Rican__ Up Late Night Special - 23
(your place or mine)
Hot hot hot redhead. Come see me and I'll take care of you!!! - 39
(Greensboro, high point,greensboro)
HOT & READY** AiM to PLEASE you. slim GOODIE & she'S a VERY FREAKY GIRL !!! great RATES 24/7* ***** - 26
GONE OUT OF TOWN❤ ℒ e t ' s °•❤•° ℳ a k e °•❤•° ℳ a g i c ❤ --- --- ❤ Not a available °•❤•° - 19
(Greensboro, high point rd INCALLS ONLY!)
👄👅💖HOT 3BONY 💗PLAYMATE🔥 💦💋AvailablE Now💛💖 S💜weet S💄👙EXY 💜FreakY B💙OMBSHELL CA💛💓💜 - 21
BACK IN TOWN!! ★ {——— S€XY———} ♛ €GYPTIAN ♛ {——— ßoMßSh€LL ———}★ - 22
(Greensboro, high point rd INCALL ONLY)
➡🍃🌹🌴AUDREY🌴🌹🍃⬅ AVAILABLE📲📞☎ incalls only 🎀SPECIALS🎀 - 21
(Greensboro, n main st high point***INCALLS ONLY***)
ASHLEY IS READY TO PLAY !! $$ 60 special incalls only !!!!!!!! - 25
(Greensboro, high point incalls only south main st)
♥♥A $pecial @ll Day $o WHY dEAL w¡TH th3 FAKE dEAL wiTH DEL¡¢OUS lEt$ play 38DD♥♥ - 24
(Greensboro, Nc high point area InCalls)
special (¯`☆`¯) up and ready to go FELLAS (¯`☆`¯) SPECIAL - 20
stacy Love !! here one night only ¥¥ Here to please you! €€ ••late night specials•• - 24
(Greensboro, wendover)
💕💕💕 SHE'S BACK!! •••California Girl Pretty and Playful••• 💥Hot N Ready!💦 CallME.(925)579'4394 - 22
My auburn hair and my warm green eyes combine with a sweet personality to fulfill all your desires
★▌★▌★▌★▌★▌★ M O D E L★ Beauty ★▌★▌★▌★ GORGEOUS ★★ GUARANTEED To SATISFY ▌769-206-1799★ - 22
GrIpPING WATERFALLS is BaCK in town*** PRETTY WOMaN *specials* Incalls n 50 specials - 22
(Greensboro, Greensboro,HighPoint)
Furn. Market ** Sweet Serenity** New Gurl coming to the area** Oct.18, 19, 22-27 - 25
(Greensboro, Greensboro,High Pt, W-S, In/outcall)
➡🍃🌹🌴AUDREY🌴🌹🍃⬅ AVAILABLE📲📞☎ incalls only 🎀SPECIALS🎀 - 21
(Greensboro, n main st high point***INCALLS ONLY***)
Any Gentleman looking for some fun? Don't hesitate call me! Im Misty im 24 also i live in Burlington - 24
(Greensboro, Burlington)
☆•$45Spl iF §H€§ GOoD •☆• iM B€††€R ! •°•★•°• YØUNG, HØT, & FR€@KY! H€R€ TØ PL@Y! •$45Spl•★•°• - 21
(Greensboro, incall only up late night (high point rd)
50$**Thick Sn0wBuNnY **50$ ** Available Now!!! PLAY TIME SPECIAL!!!*# - 20
(Greensboro, Greensboro, wendover)
Fri 03 Jan
★•{♥}{♥} Y.O.U.R •:*:• L. I. t. T. l. E ▒ •:*:• S.E.C.R.E.T {♥}{♥}•★• - 21
(Greensboro, wendover 100 specials)
win sal limited time outcalls
(Greensboro, Raleigh / Durham, Winston / Salem, win sal out limit time / Tville Incalls)
*** Zarah's Tigress Lair *** Upscale, Professional & Discrete Plus Witty *** - 25
(Greensboro, Greensboro, NC)
★★★★★ WoRtHwHiLe ComPaNioN ¤ HiGhGraDE $erViCe$ ¤ PeaNut BuTTer ThicKne$$ ¤ $tOp By & TrY! ★★★★★ - 23
(Greensboro, W Wendover I-40)
——— ❤█ WHIP CREME———█ cAnDy——— ❤ ——— █ ❤RaYnE ❤ █ ——— ❤ ———& DeLiGhT??? █ ——— ❤ - 22
(Greensboro, GrEeNsBoRo INcALl)
Um..¥eah ShawT¥ Th¡©K But IM Th¡ckR!¡! Can U Hand£ M¡ Ju¡c¥ BoOTY @N DDz??? - 24
(High Point Rd. Last Nite!)
Playb0y Bunny Blonde bubble B00ty Lookin For a great night 404-904-2496 - 20
(Greensboro, off Regional exit 210 by airport)
NEW»»Blonde Puerto Rican BAD B!TCH »» BuBbLe B00TY »&» *THICK* »» Leaving 2Nite! - 20
(your place or mine)
**NEW PICS!!** ~ Staci & McKenzie~ 2-4-2 SPECIAL 3 DAYS LEFT!!! Solos/Duos - 30
(Greensboro, Greensboro/W.S./Burlington/High Point)
HaRLEY$ B@CK 🌟 L!M!TED ENG@GEMENT _____ V00D00B00T!E F@V0R!TE on DUTY ______ H!GH P0!NT !NC@LL 0nly - 27
(Greensboro, High Point incall only!)
Hi, Exotic College Princess Here To relax You with a hot body rub - 21
(Greensboro, greensboro highpoint in/out call24-7)
(( HoTtest IrisH→ ♥ 🍭🍭. 🍡🍡🍰🍰 SwEeT🍒 LiTtLe🍒 RedHeaD🍭🍭. 🍬🍬 🍡🍡🍰 freaKiE - 24
(Greensboro, 💋 INCALLS Only)
$75*° — ___▄ █ Tantalizing Thur$day☆█•: ▄___ $75°*•—*° ☆█•: ▄___ •♥• - 26
(Greensboro, Metro Triad (In/Out) $75)
ASHLEY $ReAdY To PlAy !!! InCAlLs OnLy Playmate !!! Amazing !!! $$ 75 special up all nite !! - 25
(Greensboro, high point incalls only south main area)
(__A__) (C_A_L_L (_Y__O__U_) W_O_N_T (_R_E_ G_E_T_ NEW Pics - 27
(Greensboro, GrEeNsBoRo InCaLl OnLy)
Ask About Special Make It A GREAT Day > Ashley< Highly Reviewed!!! - 22
(Greensboro, High Point and surrounding incall/outcal)
*All Tha Fellaz Love Me!!!!* $$$ Monday Specials $$$ (160/hr.... 120/hhr.... 80 qv)!!!!! - 27
(Greensboro, Wendover Ave. (Greensboro, NC))
*¨¨* ★*Im As ReAl As ThEy CoMe!!!!*¨¨* ★*¨¨*80 SpEcIaLs!!!! - 29
$60 Special* Ready Now and Down For Whateva It Takes* (Incalls Only) - 27
(Greensboro, High point rd)
🍑🍑Juicybadass is ready to squirt 💦💦and have a good time 🍻 it's party time💧💧my place or yours - 25
(Burlington in/out play, Greensboro)
SWeeTeR & WaRMeR TheN GrandMa's Apple Pie...CoMe GeT It WhiLe It s Hot! Last Night ..SpeciaLs - 22
Special!!!💢💢💢Welcome To My Magical Bliss!! New!! Brittney!💢💢💢Special!! - 25
(Greensboro, Incall Only High Point)
New Intown! LET'S PLAY!!!!! CALL ME!!! **** call now!!!! _______ HiGhLy ReViEwEd BaRbiE __** - 21