Mon 27 Jan
💦Cute Lil Freak, Small & Petite💦💧🚿 ✴Upscale✴ 40QV//70HH//100Hour ✔ Available NOW➡💲Specials - 21
(Greensboro, W. Wendover/ Greensboro/)
Come see me BriAnna, && let me make this one you will NEVER forget!!...❤❤ - 26
(Greensboro, High Point)
📱💋Come and enjoy paradise 💓💖 Available now - 21
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, High Point, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem, 💓☎️💘)
CLICK👉 HERE!👀AmAzInG👀jUiCy BoOtY💦•We lOvE it all •❤•❤•JuST LikE U wAnt it •❤•🍭👅🔥Up all night! - 25
(Greensboro, Greensboro Tonight)
❤▐ ► ❤_ CUSTOMER ▐❤▐ ► ❤_ CHOiCE ▐❤▐ ► ❤_ PiCK▐❤▐ ► ❤_ YOUR▐❤▐ ► ❤_ FAVORiTE ▐❤▐ ► ❤_ GiRL▐ ❤▐ ► - 21
(Greensboro, Greensboro Nc)
🍭🍭 C☆A☆N☆D☆A☆C☆E 🍭🍭 Taste Like Sweet Candy🍬 INCALLS ((TopNotch)) - 38
(Greensboro, Greensboro/Wendover)
★ ____COME PLAY WITH ME____ ★ ____ Kelly____ ★ __ HOT & READY COME GET ME__ ★ - 19
(Greensboro, Greensboro NC)
Classy, fun beautiful and mixed exotica offering the best upscale catering (no broke guys) - 21
(Greensboro, By the airport)
come get a free massage $pls your new addiction cant believe its not butter specials - 29
(Greensboro, North Greensboro Triad area)
Busty ☆£XOTiC★ Juicy Booty♥ S£XY ♥Curvy ☆KiNKy N' SW££T★ ▶Super Freak◀ AVAiLABL£ 24/7 $45Special - 23
(Greensboro, ✔㏂-✔㏘ ♥ask about my outcall/incall)
Big®BoOtY **ExXtRA FrEaKkY** AmAziNgG® CuRvVeZ **BuStY EboOnY®QueEn BeSt SpEciALsZ - 21
(Greensboro-Near Wendover)
*** Beautiful . Young . Busty . UpScale . Blonde *** Available NOW!! - 20
(Greensboro, Greensboro , Wendover)
Before or After the Game Specials... Spend Quality Time with MOCHA;)! - 34
(Greensboro, Greensboro In Call)
Beautiful &&Sexyy; Young BROWN SUGAR in Greensboro night💘 Upscale location💄👠💙 CALLNOW! - 20 - 20
° °★° ° ATTN*N CHARLOTTE** EEE'S ALL NATURAL ° °★° ° S U P E R ~ SEXY° °★° ° - 23
(Greensboro, ::24HRS::GREENSBORO::REViEWED #185895)
%BiG (T)*I*(T) TaMmIe HaVe You SeEn ThEm LaTeLy...5pm till yOu Say Stop 80/roses Special% - 26
(GSo In/out)
Beautiful &&Sexyy; Young NEW Lady in Greensboro for the night💘 Upscale location💄👠💙 CALLNOW!! - 20 - 20
all medicine you'll ever need and i am offering house calls this morning - 29
(Archdale, NC, Greensboro)
A Big Suprise In a Small Package Mz Sexy blac Tells It All 60 dlollar specials going now - 24
(Greensboro, on highpoint road)
60QV SPECIALZ with Scarlett QC FINEST *best hands* 916 439 9441 - 26
(Charlotte, Carolina Place Mall area 485 INCALL ONLY)
A Big Suprise In a Small Package Mz Sexy blac Tells It All 5O dlollar specials going now no text - 24
(Greensboro, on highpoint road)
50 75 125 I am WhAt She Isn't :) $peCiaL$ *KELLy* SaTUrDAY OnLY!! Up ALL NIGhT! - 26
(Greensboro, Exit 217 on I-40 High Point Rd)
$40-Specials Big Booty🆕MiXed Red Erotic Baby🌊🌹New aNd jUst💎 Right Come plAy 👠👑-💦Specials aLl night - 23
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 50$ Big BOOTy!! BiG BooTy !!$ 50$ BiG BOOty !! - 24
(Greensboro, Greensboro/Wendover.Ave)
$40$pecial★) *ExTrEmElY* ) *HOTT* —( *KiLLeR BoDy!* ) —( ''REAL PICS* ) —☆FETISH FRIENDLY☆((★ - 20
(Greensboro, high point rd)
$50 Special..RITE NOW❤❤ ‡‡‡°REAL FREAKY °•°•°‡‡‡ U wanna get NASTY??❤ ❤. (Dont Miss out) - 29
(Greensboro, South Elm Eugene/Incalls Only)
$$50 $$50 Special B€tt€r & ₩€tt€r Than Her↑ AND her↓ 910-551-6435 KARMELLA -READY 4 You - 24
(Greensboro, West Wendover ave)
♥☆$45♡SLiP iNto SuMthNg MoRe CoMfOrTaBLe ×□○ PreTTy EBony HuNNiE ♥♡$45♥AvAiL NoW - 23
(Greensboro, incall only)
60$ Qvs In & Outcall!!👅👌"New In Town" Yanna !!💜▒Cuban Italian Exotic Beauty💜▒ !💙👅Tasty & Tight - 22
(Greensboro, Greensboro NC)
100% Delicious Body dont wait 2 late 2 have A good time!Im ur best pick. - 22
(Greensboro, Triad,Winson,Greensboro,High Point)
UPSCALE !! * █ * NoW HiRiNG * █ * Start your NeW YOU!!! * █ * call TODAY* █ * - 28
(Greensboro, locally based)
Sun 12 Jan
* * Im RATED 100% Best on This LIST !!! Spend Your $$ RIGHT ;) * * [[24/7 &&SPECIALs;]] - 21
JaW dRopiNG !! heaRt PopiNG !! shoW stopiNG !! JuiC¥ BResT !! GReaT 👄 !! BuBB£e BuTT !! *4oQV sP£s* - 21
(Greensboro, Greensboro InCall)
█▓▒░•❤•░▒▓█ ♥iRReSiSTiBLe♥ █▒█ ♥EXaCTLy♥ █▒█ ♥WHaT YOu♥ █▒█ ♥NEED♥ █▒█ ♥$85 SPECiALS!♥ █▓▒░•❤•░▒▓█ - 22
(Greensboro, E Bessemer Ave/Franklin Blvd Incall Only)
I'm Emerie ... Tall leggy natural redhead watch the football game here!!! - 23
(Greensboro, Airport off 68 Greensboro)