Mon 27 Jan
BoOtY -BoOtY- BoOtY- T - H - I - C - K - N - E - S -S @ your FINGERTIPS ~ SPEcials 50 - 28
(Greensboro, greensboro high point rd in call)
Brunette Hottie Girl Next Door.. Great Special OUTCALL Only - 29
(Charlotte, Charlotte,kannapolis concord surrounding)
******** BeAuTy, BoDy & BRaInS.....YoU WaNt It??? I GoT It! ********* - 21
(greensboro & surrounding areas)
A Cool $umm3r Rain with Mz Rain N3w 2 Town... 2GIRL Specials All DaY - 20
(Greensboro, wendover.. by sheets gas station)
•60•💋•LeT ME ★BE YouR ★SeXY SeCrET -:¦:-I DO IT -:¦:- THE BEST Papi 💋Around ! 💋60Specia! Last Nite - 23
(Greensboro, In&Outcall;)
5 HOTT!ES 💋 H!GH P0!NT ______ 💓 ______ V00D00B00T!ES 💞 F!NEST ______ 💓 ______ MON-FRI 💋 10a-7pm - 21
(Greensboro, High Point (we don't come out))
Asheville NC Escort Service Jobs | North Carolina Escort Services Employment at FANTASYS! - 21
Sun 12 Jan
❥ Im the girl Ur mother warned u about!!! ❥ 80 INCALL SPECIAL!! - 29
(Greensboro, INCALL or OUTCALL)
Well Reviewed # 270293 ( NO TEXTING )100 % Real GUARANTEED! *High Point area* - 34
(Greensboro, HIGH POINT, Greensboro)
The Princess has run away from the Castle... Can you find her??? Pics are %1,000 Real Guaranteed!!! - 22
(Downtown Charlotte)
NEW Pics!~ DANGEROURSL¥ ~*-:¦:-*~ Addicting 80 $pecial! - 22
NEW To The Area ***ADRIANA*** $100 Specials READY TO PLEASE U!!! - 22
(Greensboro, Raleigh / Wake Forrest Rd)
Mmm mMMm Mmmm Gotta Taste For Something Goood? doing over nighter $650 to$1200 - 20
(Winston / Salem, in and out call)
Sat 11 Jan
💜 Read My Reviews 💛discreet 100% real GUARANTEED! (In High Point Area) - 34
(Greensboro, High Point Greensboro)
💜💖💄💢❤💢[[ Exotic]] ❤💢 [[ SeXy ]] 💢❤💢[[ NeW ]]❤💢 👉💋[[ Doing all Outcalls - 22 - 22
(Greensboro, High point rd)
!¡ CrowN// Royal Honey all golden 100% $w33t!¡ $pls¡¡!! Rodeo!!! - 29
(Greensboro, Reidsville North Carolina// incall only)
SEXY MIXED GIRL 5**** Star Service, ONLY in town 4 the WEEKEND! - 24 SEXY MIXED GIRL - 24
(Greensboro, HIGH PT. RD)
*2 GIRL specials $60 ! * NEW in town COME have fun 2FREAKY VIXEN sisters! 516-404-7359 - 19
(Greensboro, greensboro *(call 516-404-7369)*)
Fri 10 Jan
this is my **ŁÁŚȚ Ń!GHȚ HÉŔÉ** ENuff **Á§§ 4 EvErYbOdY** ₩H¡Ț£ G¡rL *Ł!Ké Ń0 ØȚHÉŔ* OFFICIAL!!! - 26
(Greensboro, Greensboro ~ High Point)
The Touch Of A Classy Woman~~ Mature Upscale BiRacial Playmate - 39
(Greensboro, Greensboro/Charlotte)
Sexy BBW pOCAhOnTaS veRY bEAuTiful!! Come eNjoy me now...sPeCIals!! 100% satisfaction - 24
(Greensboro, Greensboro (highpoint rd))
$ $ $ ROXY IS BaK ReAdY 2 PlAY $$ !!!! CaLL NoW !!! $ 336 $ 324$ 7600$ $ $ $ - 22
(Greensboro, windover/incalls only)
Peek-A-Bo I See You! Need some T.L.C. Come Get Some today - 99
(Winston / Salem, Lex. Ws. Hp.Gb.Tom.)
.Dont pass me by. 50-60-100-140. Local & WELL REVIEWED. SPECIALS. No disappointment. !!!!!!! - 24
(Charlotte, South Charlotte off 77 exit 4)
💕 Sexy Hips & Juicy Lips 💋 TAYLOR 💋 Come Let Me Please You Baby! 💕 - 24
(Greensboro, wendover and any where you want me to co)
*2 GIRL specials $60 ! * NEW in town ; 2FREAKY VIXEN sisters Ready for YOU!! (516)-404-7359 - 19
Thu 09 Jan
NEW 💞 L0CAT!0N ______🌴 ______ V00D00B00T!E on DUTY _____ 🌴 ______ REGULARS 💞 V!P 0NL¥ - 21
(Greensboro, High Point, REGULARS ONLY NO EXCEPTIONS, Winston / Salem)
💜 Read My Reviews 💛discreet 100% real GUARANTEED! (In High Point Area) - 34
(Greensboro, High Point Greensboro)
Sensual BODY RUB (prostate massage) BY AN EXOTIC BEAUTY $75 - 21
Cone and have fun! $50 special $50 body rubs Call me 9802108400 Chocolate!!! - 21
(Greensboro, meadowview)
Don't Wait Until I'm Gone... Experience Mocha's F!x..!!! - 36
(Greensboro, Greensboro In Call. Will Travel.)
Erotic and Sensual COLLEGE GIRL - **Special Tonight** - 19
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem, anywhere you want me!)
50$$$50$$ SPECIALS BEFORE 2AM Welcome to Miami Lakes $Come Get With Us Daddi$ Miami @nd New York - 21
(Greensboro, Greensboro in calls/out calls)
TH!CK B00tY Fr3@K ☆ DANGEROUS L!PpS ☆ AmAZ!Ng PH@T AZz-:¦:- My SK!llZ aRe "The BEST"! - 26
(Greensboro, GrEeNsBoRo In & out)