Mon 27 Jan
BRAND NEW PICTURES! Burlington/Haw River area (336)264-6392 - 25
(Burlington, Charlotte, Greensboro, Raleigh / Durham, Winston / Salem)
***Bella is Now Blonde*** $ATURDAY EARLY BIRD DEAL!!! $90/$130/$160 - 23
(Greensboro, PTI Airport Area , Winston Outcalls ONLY)
Beautiful &&Sexyy; Young BROWN SUGAR in Greensboro night💘 Upscale location💄👠💙 CALLNOW! - 20 - 20
Beautiful &&Sexyy; Young NEW Lady in Greensboro for the night💘 Upscale location💄👠💙 CALLNOW!! - 20 - 20
☆Affairs to remember with Lily☆ ♥Incall&Outcall; ☆HP☆ Private Location♥ - 21
(Greensboro, private incall highpoint location)
💋💋💋 A Sensually Stunning *MATURE* High Class *WOMAN* 💋 AMAZING NEW PICS💋 *Many Reviews* - 40
(Charlotte, * ~ Concord Area ~ * INCALL ONLY *)
40sp :❤:-•* GOODMORNING GENTLEMEN *•-:GOT TIME :-•*¨ 2 SPARE *•-: ❤*• -Call now - 21
(Greensboro, my bedroom)
Sun 12 Jan
I'm Emerie ... Tall leggy natural redhead watch the football game here!!! - 23
(Greensboro, Airport off 68 Greensboro)
Sat 11 Jan
🔥Definitely 🔥The 🔥Hottest 🔥In 🔥Town!! 💦Sexy 💦Inked 💦Super 💦Freak!! 💦Come 💦See 💦Me!! - 27
(Greensboro, Airport Area Incalls Outcalls Anywhere!!)
Beautiful &&Sexyy; Young NEW Lady in Greensboro for the night💘 Upscale location💄👠💙 CALLNOW!! - 20 - 20
•*———— •*I MaKe DrEaMs CoMe TrUe 😛💦😍💋•* ———— •*THE BEST•* ———— •* TiGhT & SliPPeRy* 💦💦NEW PICS - 23
New 30$30$30$ 🌷🌺🌷$3030💦 New New Roxy Redd🌷🌺🌷💦💦New New New🌷🌺🌷$40$40$40 $30$30$30 🌷🌺🌷💦 $30$30$30🌷🌺🌷 💦 - 18
(Greensboro, South elm Eugene I 40)
§μ¡rt💦💦 👄💋💞 with SpiCe HOT & ReaDy 4 wuTeVa . ♨�👅💦💦💦outcalls. & in - 26
Fri 10 Jan
Samantha ~~~ NEW PICTURES ~~~ 200 Hour Special In Call ~~~ Caucasian Beauty Slender and Sexy ~~~ - 25
***Im The Candy Lady Come Be My CandiiMan..6 0 S P E C I A L S *-Vicious Sensual CandiiLadii-*** - 22
(Greensboro, HiGHPOiNT ROAD AREA..)
*CuRVy CuTiE* WiTH A --♪-- * BiG B(o)(O)TY *—♪— BLACK *BARBiE* L♥VER'S #1 PicK -♪-REViEWED #185895 ♪ - 24
(Greensboro, HighPoint Rd Area ♥ $6O/8O/16O Specials)
{ :::: Be@utiFul bon¥ ::::: } °° 1o,0o0% Re@£ Pics °° ((( Curvy & Th¡©k ))) - 25
(Greensboro, Greensboro NC)
Keep u coming back like cooked crack💙💓🚧dangerously addictive🚧🚧💓2074085328 - 22
(Greensboro, greensboro incalls)
JeweL HaS a PooL °•o★o•° CaN u SwIm °•o★o•° Sexy LaTiNa FanTasy - 23
(Greensboro, your place or mine)
**Im The Candy Lady Come Be My CandiiMan..* S P E C I A L S 25/8 *-Vicious Sensual CandiiLadii-** - 21
(Greensboro, iNCALLS ONLi..)
sexy, sweet, slim, and petite treat ready to meet!! early Bird specials available 60/80/150--June - 24
(Raleigh / Durham, Raleigh NC)
§μ¡rt💦💦 👄💋💞 with SpiCe HOT & ReaDy 4 wuTeVa . ♨�👅💦💦💦incalls. Only High Point - 26
🌟100% Me Or iT's Free!!🌟 T€R ReVieWeD ✅ 285394🍒 💋LeT Me Be YouR SuGaR SweeT TreaT💋🍒 - 25
NEWWW 🚨✨🚨✨🚨 S P E C i A L S 🚨✨🚨✨🚨 100% Real Caramel🍯 CurVy Ebony Vixxen !! 🚨✨🚨✨🚨 CLiCK MEE - 21
(Greensboro, Greensboro/Wendover Area)
Come 1, Come all, lets have a ball!! Georgia Peach *$60 Special♡♥♡♥ - 21
(Greensboro, High Point Rd.)
Thu 09 Jan
The real deal June June petite sweet treat long legs and red hair with green eyes specials available - 24
(Capital Blvd, Raleigh / Durham)
[ MiA ] Babii Dawl*!!! Specials Specials Specials!!!!! 100% [[ REAL ]] Pictures!!! SEXAYYY
(Greensboro, Greensboro off 68)
*DoNt*U *wAnNa*PuLl*My* D~r~E~a~D 's*** B~L~A~C~K ** B~E~A~U~T~Y !!!!!!! - 27
(Greensboro, HiGhPoInT Rd)
D EFINITI ON °*OF*° SEY - -:¦; $$ $$ LETS PLAY HOUSE*- - 27
(Greensboro (in & out ))
*DoNt*U *wAnNa*PuLl*My* D~r~E~a~D 's*** B~L~A~C~K ** B~E~A~U~T~Y *awaits you* !!!$ 50 SpEcIaL $ - 27
D EFINITI ON °*OF*° SEXY - -:¦; ( * READY * ) LETS PLAY * - 27
***Im The Candy Lady Come Be My CandiiMan..S P E C I A L S *-Vicious Sensual CandiiLadii-*** - 22
(Greensboro, HiGHPOiNT ROAD AREA..)
Simply Amazinggg! [ MiA ] 2 girl shows with Megan!!!! - 23
(Greensboro, airport, in & out call specials)
¢lass¥ ©hocol@te G0dDess °° 1o0% Re@£ Pics °° ((( Curvy & Th¡©k ))) - 25
(Greensboro, Greensboro NC)
💚💜💕💙wanna play? hot transexual here! 💚💜💕 - 25
(downtown Greensboro discreet and private, Greensboro)
🎀 Call Madison ♡♡♡ cute sexy blonde college girl ready and waiting 2 have fun with u now! ✨ - 22
Wed 08 Jan
Upscale mature💮cherokee Indian Princess 👙💅 ✈location♡discreet entertainer *Real☆😍 - 29
(Greensboro, GreensboroPTI/surrounding areas)
ExOTiC PLaYMaTe💋In Town For A Limited Time💋💋 I Aim To Please So Don't Miss Your Chance💋💋 - 21
(Greensboro, MY PLACE OR YOURS)
§μ¡rt💦💦 👄💋💞 with SpiCe HOT & ReaDy 4 wuTeVa . ♨�👅💦💦💦outcalls only - 26
💖 SeXy SaRaH 💋 AmAzInG & TaLeNtEd 💋 ThE PleAsUrEs AlWaYs MiNe 💖 incall/ Outcalls Available~ - 21
(Greensboro, Pti Airport/Hwy 68)
§μ¡rt💦💦 👄💋💞 with SpiCe HOT & ReaDy 4 wuTeVa . ♨👅💦💦💦 Sloppy Hi - 26
MouTH Watering FLEXIBLE FREAK {$45 SPECIAL} U Be The Judge!!.. SPECIALS - 21
(Greensboro, incall only)
Tue 07 Jan